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Файл Sabina Babayeva - When the Music Dies ( Eurovision 2012).mp3
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Sabina Babayeva - When the Music Dies ( Eurovision 2012).mp3
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Файл проверен ClamAv от 18.03.2012, вирусов нет
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Sabina Babayeva - When the Music Dies ( Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Azerbaijan)
When the Music Diesis a dramatic love story with sincere expression of the strongest and most secret feelings of the singer. The tender yet intense melody is filled with bright emotional blasts that showcase and emphasize the great vocal skills, vocal intensity, and unique colourfulness of Sabina's timbre.
When the Music Diesis an exceptional blend of cutting - edge European music trends and Azerbaijani traditional music. The song was recorded with Azerbaijani national instruments: kamancha and balaban; it was also decorated with sounds of a variety of local percussion instruments -- davul and ghawal. On top of everything the song includes elements of the unique vocal style called mugham. The studio work gathered together top Azerbaijani musicians: Ogtay Sharifov, Sarkhan Vahabov, Shirzad Fataliyev, Yashar Bakhish and mugham legend Alim Gasimov.
ID 1662168
Таги: mp3
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