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Файл Jennifer McLaren-Army of one
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Jennifer McLaren-Army of one
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Файл проверен ClamAv от 10.05.2012, вирусов нет
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Саундтрек к фильму"Охота на Демонов".
Качество с dvd диска.
Look into my eyes
I'm not afraid
I've given you a chance
Now its too late
Innocence is gone
I've put my armor on
Don't try to hurt me
I'll make you sorry
You called me out,
To break me down
Fulfilling all your prophesies of pain
But you don't have to cry for me
Here we are,
Face to face
The tide has turned,
And now your will is gone
Now that I've become
An army of one
I'll bring you to your knees
Before you can fall
Turn you into Ice
When you try to crawl
Nothing's gonna help
You brought it on yourself
Don't try to fight it
You cant Avoid it
You called me out,
To break me down
Fulfilling all your prophesies of pain
But you don't have to cry for me
Here we are,
Face to face
The tide has turned,
And now your will is gone
Now that I've become
An army of one.....
ID 1680076
Таги: mp3
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