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Файл Coral Reef Live Wallpaper v1.0.apk
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Coral Reef Live Wallpaper v1.0.apk
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[F.A.Q. Android]
Coral Reef Live Wallpaper v1.0

Коралловый риф с красивыми трехмерными тропическими рыбками на экране вашего android смартфона
Эти красивые живые обои приглашают вас в путешествие по коралловому рифу среди ярких тропических рыбок и пузырьков воздуха. Очень умиротворяющее зрелище. Можно поиграть с настройками: изменить частоту кадров, поменять день и ночь. Поддерживается и книжная, и альбомная ориентация.

Требуется Android: 2.1 и выше

Coral Reef Live Wallpaper v1.0
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Here comes one of the best live wallpaper apps for Android users. Are you ready for the Coral Reef LWP? If you like aquarium, deep sea, tropical water fish, fun and cute creatures like seahorses then you will love this app!
Many adjustable settings, bubbles, sparkles, day and night mode, surprise creatures from the deep ocean in the night mode! Super fun aqua joy for everyone in all ages.

* Beautiful LIVE WALLPAPER for your Android device
* DOUBLE TAP on desktop for the settings activity
* 3D fish and other creatures
* Sparkle animation
* Gently floating dancing bubbles
* Day/Night mode
* Adjustable frame rate
* Many beautiful underwater creatures
* Serene and relaxing environment
* Supports Galaxy Tab tablet (any many others, not 10.1)
* Portrait and Landscape modes
* Multi-touch enabled

Warning: Android 3.x 10.1 tablets not supported yet!
It is interactive and very fun to play with: You can swipe your finger on the screen to create new sparkles and watch them gently float around to mesmerize you! Good gift idea for many occasions, like mother's day, father's day, fourth 4th of July Independence day, new year, etc. Get it for yourself or your loved ones! Very cool, you will really like it, we promise!
Provided by: -Market Militia-

ID 1575826
Таги: Androidв„ў, РѕР±РѕРё, оформление
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