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Файл Sonic 2 Retro Remix - SAGE 2010.zip
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Sonic 2 Retro Remix - это находящийся в разработке хак от Thorn и DNXDelta. Он предлагает игроку совершенно новую игровую систему, которая базируется на поиске изумрудов. Все похоже на Sonic Advance 3 - вы начинаете в "главной зоне", где должны найти большие кольца для входа на акт. При входе на акт вы получаете список миссий, выполнив каждую из них , вы получаете 1 изумруд. Для перехода на следующую зону нужно собрать определенное количество изумрудов. Также хак может порадовать потрясающим артом и отличной музыкой. И конечно же, Соник имеет новые способности, например он может выполнять JumpDash, Homing Attack и цеплятся за стены.

Описание уровней:
Cascade Valley
Based off of Emerald Hill Zone, this level features plenty of paths to explore and simple badniks to destroy. The zone changes from a coastal area to a large waterfall as you progress from act to act. Ziplines, various loop designs, and brief underwater areas make speedy movement a must, but exploration is the name of the game and you'll need to look high and low for emeralds in order to progress to the next zone.
Chemical Plant
While the sheer amount of steep downhill slopes and speed boosters makes getting from start to finish a cinch, learning which of the tangled paths gets you there fastest takes some time. Switches control the water level in the second act, and the floating platforms that move with it are key to collecting emeralds or navigating the trickier passages.
Frosty Peak
This cold modification of Hill Top Zone inexplicably houses lava sure to punish misjudged jumps. Passages on the mountain's surface tend to be straightforward, but the caves underneath are labyrinthine and susceptible to magma flows. Badniks here are well-protected, so think twice before planting a homing attack onto a shield of fire.
Casino Night
With architecture straight from prototype versions of the original Casino Night Zone, this zone is less a platforming challenge and more a pinball machine. Bumpers, flippers, and giant springs are activated using the A, B, and C buttons. Badniks are scarce here, so score attacks are largely based on how quickly you can grab large collections of rings and bring them to the finish.
It's all upstairs from here, as the one act in this zone is twice as tall as the others so far. All of the familiar traps from the original Metropolis Zone return here, with some areas forcing you to use moves you didn't have back in 1992 just to progress. With no more locked doors between you and the finish, this zone's missions are entirely optional.

Для запуска этой игры на ПК советую эмулятор Gens32 Surreal v1.86 HD.
Запускать игру на смартфоне под управлением OS 9.х лучше всего эмулятором Picodrive v1.35.

ID 1474631
Таги: Sega, РёРіСЂР°
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