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Третья не менее жесткая темка от парней Serial Thrilla жесть ггальбом:Fat Of The Land трек:Serial Thrilla слова:Damage destructor, crowd disrupter *Youth corrupter, everytimer *Yeah, damage destructor, crowd disrupter *Mainliner, everytimer *Taste me, taste me *Succumb to me, succumb to me *Taste me, taste me *Succumb to me, succumb to me *Serial thrilla, serious killa *Serial thrilla, serious killa *Serial thrilla, serious killa *Serial thrilla, serious killa *Damage destructor, crowd disrupter *Mainliner, everytimer *Taste me, taste me *Succumb to me, succumb to me *Serial thrilla, serious killa *Serial thrilla, serious killa *Serial thrilla, serious killa *Serial thrilla, serious killa (опять жду коментов куда Я без Вас