Assala Nassri:Assala Nassri is one of the most successful female singers in the Arab World. She started her singing career in 1980s, with a special voice that was considered later on as the strongest voice that the new Arabic music history ever witnessed. Assala is known of her spontaneous personality, and biographic songs, since many of her songs reflected stories from her personal life. Assala's best sale period is since the end of 1990s until now.
Birth date: May 15, 1969. Country: Syria. Number of released albums: 22. Best-selling albums:"Eghdab" (1994), "Wala Tsaddaa'" (1995), "Ya Majnoun" (1999), "Yamin Allah" (2001), "Moshta'a" (2002), "Add El Hurouf" (2003), "Hayati" (2006), "Noss Hala" (2008). Most popular songs:"Samehtak", "Eghdab", "Wala Tsaddaa'", "Yameen Allah", "Albi Byertahlak", "Ya Majnoun", "Eatef Habibi", "Moushta'a", "Ma Ba'ash Ana", "Tasawar", "Aktar", "Wala Dari". Latest album:Noss Hala (2008). Current record label:"Rotana".
Ассала Насри одна из популярнейших певиц во всем арабском мире. Ее карьера начинается с 80 годов, и ее творчество занимает одну из значимых мест современной арабской музыкальной истории. Песни ее отличаются своим своеобразием. Пик ее карьеры начался в 90 е годы.
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